Tired of the high price of tokens? Own a sniper bot from the GOCHA team. Take the development process under total control and get the customizable tools you need to succeed in trading and reach your peak performance!
Sniper Bot
The All-In-One Sniper Bot to Succeed in Crypto Trading

The All-In-One Sniper Bot Accessible for Different Dexs and Networks
The Sniper bot created by GOCHA will change the way you trade, as traditional trading methods provide a much slower way of buying and selling the tokens. You can be sure that you get the fastest entries and exits from the tokens you want to have.
Finds the best price entries possible
Compatible with mobile and desktop versions
Discloses and eliminates scam tokens
Snipe any contract MethodID & new DEXs
Customizable and no coding skills needed
Executes tradings seamlessly
What Do We Offer?
Develop a Viable Trading Bot
Choose Gocha and contact the professionals to save your money and time and get advanced trading tools that allow instant automated operations and make your trades soar.
Create a Customized Trading Bot at an Affordable Price
Based on your specific needs and requirements, we create bots stuffed with the wanted features.
Stand Out From the Competition
We will help you get steps ahead of other market participants and be among the first ones to purchase the latest listed tokens.
It’s the right moment to accelerate your token’s journey by boosting its liquidity!
We Work With

It is a collection of incredibly cute slime, blob-like NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.

ENO, based on Polygon and Ethereum, is the first wine token that helps to preserve the traditions of winemaking and unite the community from all over the world.

A hub that combines helpful and popular tools and solutions of the crypto world. It is a place for creating, earning, trading, collaborating with like-minded participants, and boosting knowledge.

It is a metaverse that looks like a virtual replica of the real world based on innovative VR technology.

A peer-to-peer electronic cash system that aims to become sound global money with fast payments, low fees and high transaction capacity.

The platform focuses on bringing blockchain technology to various types of businesses and building the future of Web 3.0.